After defining the overall goals of training (see Defining Goals), the second step in
creating an effective staff training program is identifying what tasks you want
your staff to be able to accomplish. This step is called job analysis. Each job at summer camp is a collection of
tasks. By identifying what those tasks are you can ensure you’re teaching the
staff member what they need to succeed in their position.
A task is an activity which is one part of accomplishing
an assignment or job. Inspecting an archery bow would be a task that is part of
the job of supervising an archery range. Conducting a swim skills check would
be an example of a task associated with the job of being a lifeguard.
For most summer camp jobs the list of tasks in quite long.
Take for instance the job of a counselor. If you brainstormed what tasks a
counselor does you might develop a list that includes some of the tasks listed
Counselor Tasks
Get campers to wake up
Get campers to scheduled
Supervise mealtime at table
Supervise cabin clean up
Set expectations for camper
Handle inappropriate behavior
Recognize positive behavior
Recognize signs that campers
are struggling with personal issues
Promote inclusion of all
campers in group
Promote teamwork in group
Build interpersonal
relationship with campers
Respond to campers’
Handle campers’ illnesses
Lead group discussions
Lead small group games
Ensure campers take care of
personal hygiene
Make sure campers follow
safety rules
The best source for developing a list of tasks are the
staff members who actually do the job. You can get a group together to
brainstorm or have several individual staff members create lists. Whatever
method is used the goal is to create as comprehensive a list as possible
covering every aspect of the job.
Once you get the list(s) from your staff you should
review them to make sure each task is clearly defined so that everyone
understands what it is. Tasks should be defined in terms of specific behaviors.
A task like leading small group games
is very clearly defined.
On the other hand, promoting
group teamwork is a pretty general definition that could be open to a
variety of interpretations. In this case you would want to go back to those who
generated the list and try to get a clearer picture of what the task entails.
You would ask the question “what specifically would a counselor promoting
teamwork in a group be doing”? The
answers should give you a clearer sense of the actual tasks involved in
promoting group teamwork.
The list of tasks that come from your job analysis will focus for your training on what is most critical to teach. The actual content and methods developed to deliver the training will revolve around them.
(Note: This is the second in a series of posts that will be published in the coming weeks to provide an overview of a systematic approach to developing summer camp staff training.)
The list of tasks that come from your job analysis will focus for your training on what is most critical to teach. The actual content and methods developed to deliver the training will revolve around them.
(Note: This is the second in a series of posts that will be published in the coming weeks to provide an overview of a systematic approach to developing summer camp staff training.)